Monday 27 June 2016

Nail Art Pricing

$5 Per Set for Simple Designs (eg Shapes / Strips / Glitters / Camo Design) and Nail Sticker

$10 Per Set for Design with Rhinestone or/and Pearls

$20 Per Set Hand Drawn Design (eg Animals / Flower / Autumn Leaves etc)

Saturday 25 June 2016

Professional Certificates

Name on Certificates are removed for security reasons.
Certified Manicurist for quality service.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Nail Plate Colour Changes

Nails are part of an overall image in today's modern society especially for executive where a simple handshake is the basic for any meeting.

Colour changes on your nails could be due to external factors of daily lives that you are not aware of.

Let's take a look at some common ones.
  • Black coloured Nail:- Affected by fungus infection which could be due to antibiotic creams for skin treatments with mercury content or hair dyes. There is sign of deficiency of Vitamin B12.
  • Brown coloured Nail:- Mixture of bacteria and fungus infection. 
Some factors affecting it may include: 
  1. Tobacco smoking
  2. Excessive use of nail polish remover
  3. Heat damage
  4. Paint, dye or ink contact
  5. Nail biting
  6. Excessive sunlight
  7. Radiation exposure
  8. Foreign body under the nail
  9. Nail Fungus
  10. Psoriasis
  11. Lichen Plans
  12. Nevi
  13. Scleroderma
  • Redish Brown coloured nail:- Excessive use of nail polish with oxidizing agent or excessive contact with pimple creams.
Other possible causes could be:
  1. A splinter hemorrhage caused by an injury, fungul infection or nail psoriasis or can also be an early sign of your heart condition.
  2. Heart failure that can cause redness in the white half moon at the bottom of your nail.
  3. Kidney disease that can cause the nails to have a reddish appearance beneath the surface.

Whatever the reasons it may have caused discoloration of your nails, it is always good to consult a doctor for treatment and clarification.

Manicurist is not a doctor so if you have bad nail condition, seeking a doctor's advice would be priority.